Words of Prey
Words of Prey
Dumpsterfireside Chats - Episode 2
In this spinoff of Words of Prey, Dumpsterfireside Chats ("Making you laugh so we don't cry") Chantelle Aimée Osman and author Josh Stallings (TRICKY, Words of Prey Episode 4) talk about:
* Why success can be perilous
* Why publishing is on fire right now and why you're not hearing back on your query
* Social/cultural memory
* Mental health and homelessness
* Long-term solutions to long-term problems
* Thinking about a writing career over writing a single book
* Author branding
...and writing, maybe.
Find him at joshstallings.com and on Twitter @Josh_Stallings
Find her at chantelleaimee.com and on Twitter @SuspenseSiren
Follow the podcast @PreyWords on Twitter and wordsofpreypodcast.com
Check out the Pipeline Artists network @PipelineArtists and pipelineartists.com
Theme music is "King or an Alien" by Dan-O